Man running Success without stress by Lawrence Mitchell
Success Without Stress

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts –  Winston Churchill

Sir Winston Churchill is credited with many wise words. So what is he really saying here?

Is he saying that when you reach a goal or something doesn’t go your way, what happens next is crucial. Is it perhaps the ability to dig deep and find the inner strength (and it’s there!) to push through, that is your true success and where you find courage?

Athletes don’t stop when they win a gold medal – Churchill still went to the office the day after the war was won. You never know what you could achieve if you just carried on. Think about what happens after you lose the weight, run your first marathon, make the decision to be vegetarian, or…….?

It’s a life change you want as well as reaching a goal, isn’t it? And you want to find the resilience to keep going don’t you?

CLICK HERE To Get 10 Proven Techniques to boost your resilience –  and a chance to win a free copy of my new book  ‘Success without Stress’.