In the Media

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In the Media

Home/In the Media
In the Media2020-05-17T19:32:13+00:00

This page brings together a collection of third party media talks and interviews given by Lawrence and the Raw Energy team. Click on an image to link to the article or page.

  • Lawrence Mitchell on Natural Health Radio

Interview with Eoin McCabe: Success without Stress

In this interview, Eoin McCabe talks to Health Coach, Marketing Director and author Lawrence Mitchell on how to address stress comprehensively and achieve your goals with ease.  He shares some tips from his new book

Inside Retail: Podcast with Lawrence Mitchell

In this Podcast, Lawrence Mitchell discusses how the salad bar chain plans to use technology and a commitment towards healthy living in driving its growth strategy.

  • The Industry Angel Business Podcast

Health at Work: Best Practices

Health at Work:  Ian Farrar at Industry Angel interviewed Lawrence Mitchell, where he shares tips for creating a healthier workplace, from his experience running an award-winning Health & Wellbeing at Work initiative