We are currently in the throes of extreme uncertainty. Many have lost their jobs or other work and all of our normal lifestyle activities have been disrupted at best, or cancelled.
This is causing massive financial distress across the board. Given finances are the #1 cause of anxiety and depression in today’s world, this is a critical time to get educated and make some sound financial decisions to get back onto a firmer financial footing and begin to look forwards with regards to building.
The truth is that an understanding of how money works, a slight change in attitude, and a few tweaks to your daily habits can have a major impact on your financial results. It is all about knowing what to do and why, and working strategically to align all your game pieces to work in your favour.
It has become my mission to educate people how to efficiently play the money game, to get the maximum value out of life.
Introducing the WealthFORCE “COVID-19 Financial Wellbeing Briefing” programme
A programme that demystifies finances and helps you forge a path through the craziness and build a solid financial foundation. The programme is divided into 2 sessions, each lasting for 1.5 hours.
The overall structure will be:
o Being strategic. Looking at your finances strategically, maximising opportunities
o Gaining clarity. Knowing your numbers empowers your life, giving you control over your next steps
o Mastering your spend. Identifying strategies to keep more of what you bring in
o Managing your emotions. Understanding how your beliefs affect your results
o Taking a strategic approach to income generation
o The different ways to make money
o The anatomy of a market correction – and what you can do about it
o Understanding the investment opportunities – identifying where the winners are and how to navigate them during these uncertain times
The programme will take you through the following elements, giving you both knowledge and the ability to navigate with more confidence around the ever-changing messages that are coming through every day.
o Introducing you to our holistic financial wellbeing model, enabling you to take a strategic approach to wealth preservation and generation
o How treating your life like a business will keep you safe
o Identifying which numbers to measure and how – all attendees will get my templates to make it easy to get started
o Different ways to help you make a profit
o How to identify your money story and stop it affecting your results
Session 1 Aims & Outcomes
• To be aware of which numbers to measure, how often and why
• To put together a spend strategy, moving forwards
• To become more self aware and put in steps to correct limiting beliefs
o The 4 different types of income & how they work
o The assets to invest in, at this anxious time
o How stock corrections and crashes work and actions to take with this knowledge
o Ways to create robustness and safety in your investments
o How to get started
Session 2 Aims & Outcomes
• To understand why buying assets instead of excess spending is the route to real wealth
• To get clarity on some of the choices and considerations when formulating a robust investment portfolio
• Understanding which investments are best at this fraught time, and moving forwards
• Knowing how to physically get started
YES! I would like to arm myself with the financial knowledge I need to thrive during this uncertain period
Usual Price: $395
New price: $28
Programme Leader
Heather Mitchell has been a personal investor for her entire life! Her parents introduced her to investing and compound growth when she was very young and she has been an avid investor ever since. Learning in the trenches, plus being a complete learning junkie, she has hungrily consumed and called upon a long list of courses and mentors (on subjects such as value investing; unit trust investing; options trading; dividend investing; growth investing; tech shares; crypto trading; financial freedom training; ecommerce; gamification; presentation skills; she also has a CIM postgraduate diploma in marketing. She spends 1-2 hours every day researching the markets and understanding the economic situation.
Building a solid career in quantitative market research, Heather has a natural ability to both research and crunch data, both vital skills in the world of investing. Also an experienced qualitative researcher, she has the additional knack of asking the right questions to dig deep to get to the heart of the issue. She is a certified NLP Practitioner.
She has lived through the dot.com crash and the GFC and survived both unscathed.
She is passionate about empowering people to see the opportunities that surround us every day and how simple tweaks to everyday attitudes and actions can make all the difference.