Do you live sweet things ? - podcastThe odd slice of cake, bar of chocolate or ice-cream can be a real treat, and you deserve a treat from time to time, particularly at this time of year.

The problem is that in our modern, abundant world, ‘from time to time’ has become ‘every day’. Sweet things taste so great that you want them all of the time, and  you can have them all of the time. It’s great. What our forefathers dreamt of is now a reality.

But there’s a price to pay.

Whilst some sweet things are good, a lot is definitely not better and we’re paying with our wellbeing. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms…

  • excess weightI wish i had more energy
  • cravings
  • lack of energy
  • concern over the growing number of diabetes type 2 cases

Then perhaps sugar is the culprit?  Nature has designed our bodies so perfectly that when we eat too much sugar, it simply turns the excess into fat cells which are stored on different parts of our bodies. That way, you can easily tap into those reserves when food supplies are scarce, such as the winter time.

But there’s a catch.

In the modern, 24/7, globalised Western world, it’s summer all of the time!  So we never get to draw upon our increasingly ample fat supplies.

And, most of us think of sugar consumption as eating sweet things like cakes, desserts and candy.

What many don’t realise is that eating white bread, white pasta and white rice isn’t much different – metabolically – than eating a donut, as white (refined) starches are converted to glucose very quickly and easily inside the body and cause a similar rise in blood sugar. As well as sweet things and breads containing sugars, refined sugar has also found its way over the last 30 years into many savoury dishes, snacks and sauces as well. Not to mention drinks!

If all of this is giving you a headache, but you want to be slimmer and more in control of your life, then you’re going to want to listen to the latest, special edition of The Raw Energy Show where, amongst other things, you’ll discover 14 steps that you take to reduce the amount of sugar you’re consuming without giving up the things that you love.