Raw Food Pyramid Lawrence Mitchell2020-05-16T11:55:22+00:00 So, day four of our healthy food pyramids. So far we have covered the Primal Blueprint diet, low carb diet, Raw Food PyramidLawrence Mitchell2020-05-16T11:55:22+00:00
Weight Loss Tip for the day Lawrence Mitchell2020-05-16T11:55:22+00:00 Today's tip comes from Marc David from the Institute for the Psychology of eating. i've included a link to the Weight Loss Tip for the dayLawrence Mitchell2020-05-16T11:55:22+00:00
Low Carb Pyramid Lawrence Mitchell2020-05-16T11:55:23+00:00 Low Carb PyramidLawrence Mitchell2020-05-16T11:55:23+00:00
Food Inc – official Trailer Lawrence Mitchell2020-05-16T11:55:23+00:00 The horse-meat scandal in the UK last month has made us all very aware that few of us really know Food Inc – official TrailerLawrence Mitchell2020-05-16T11:55:23+00:00
The Shape of Things to Come Lawrence Mitchell2020-05-16T11:55:23+00:00 The Shape of Things to ComeLawrence Mitchell2020-05-16T11:55:23+00:00
Macrobiotic Pyramid Lawrence Mitchell2020-05-16T11:55:23+00:00 Macrobiotic PyramidLawrence Mitchell2020-05-16T11:55:23+00:00
British Military Fitness Lawrence Mitchell2022-01-21T06:07:35+00:00 A friend told me about the British Military Fitness programme a few months ago, but it has taken me all British Military FitnessLawrence Mitchell2022-01-21T06:07:35+00:00
Weight Loss Tip of the day Lawrence Mitchell2020-05-16T11:55:23+00:00 Today's tip comes in the form of a very useful chart, rather than a quote...showing that the most popular methods Weight Loss Tip of the dayLawrence Mitchell2020-05-16T11:55:23+00:00