We spend 1/3rd of our lives at work and yet research shows that as many as 70% of people are not engaged in their work! Whilst this stat varies by country, it’s pretty consistent. Work is not perceived to be a source of positive energy for many people. Moreover, it’s a source of stress and anxiety.
At RAW Energy, we believe that work and workplaces should be energising growth experiences that support wellbeing.
Fortunately, we’re not the only ones who thinks this way, and that’s why we teamed up with the Wellbeing@Work team to create events and experiences to help individuals who want to make a difference, make that difference.
In 2018, we ran the first Wellbeing@Work Conference in Sydney, followed by the first Wellbeing@Work meet up to celebrate the year that has nearly slipped into the history books, and to share and capture some insights and tips to Fuel Greatness through the festive period.
Like the conference, the Wellbeing@Work team:Cindy Lenferna de la Motte, Lawrence Mitchell and Timo Topp were there, with special guest presentations from: Claire Babbage, Michelle Fragias, Mandy Millan and Richard Meredith.
A huge thank you to everyone who worked together to make this event happen.
No wellbeing@work event would be complete without delicious, fresh food from SumoSalad, snacks from Bounce and kombucha from Remedy.
So many amazing insights were shared to make the most of the break, including:
- Plan. It’s a Holiday. So make sure you take the time to give your body and your mind a break to restore your energy.
- Make sure you are at the top of the chain. You are the lynchpin in your life, allow it to burn out and you won’t be able to give. You can’t give from an empty cup.
- It’s all about Mindset – our culture has led us to believe that we’re being selfish if we prioritise activities that support our wellbeing. In truth, you’re being selfish if you don’t prioritise those activities that support your wellbeing.
- Find your own wellness regime – the activities that support your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. We’re all unique beings and what fuels your greatness will be different to what fuels mine. Use the RAW Energy framework to support you.
- Self-nourish – one way of doing this is to use a set of cards with things that nourish your soul. Remember that it’s your time, which means that you’re allowed to say NO.
- Work out: step back to understand where your energy is going. The RAW Energy framework will help here. Above the line is positive energy, below the line is stress.
- Build in a digital detox. Try to have one day without devices. That may sound really hard and your brain will be saying, ‘what if’. Give it a go.
- The most restorative thing you can do for the mind is to meditate.
- Every hour, notice where your mind is at.
- It’s about small steps – keep moving forward until the ‘new’ becomes the ‘normal’.
Thanks again to our sponsor partners: B.OK boxes, Bounce Bars, Flo Wellbeing, Inner Origin, Remedy Kombucha, the Scentre Group and Sumo Salad – we couldn’t have created the magic without you.
Thank you again for all of your help and support, and wishing you a joyous festive season. See you in 2019 at the next meetup scheduled to take place on February 28th.
Wellbeing@Work Quarterly Meetup: save the date @ Thu 28 Feb 2019 6pm – 9:00pm (AEDT)
To your greatness.
The Wellbeing@Work team