New Year, New Goal Setting
Happy, happy new year!
It’s the dawn of a new day, a new month and a whole new year. I love a new year as it gives us the opportunity to review, reflect and start again.
Everything that happened yesterday is now in the past and there’s nothing you can do to change the events of the past. But you can influence and change the events of the future, guided by the lessons from the past.
For me, 2018 was a roller coaster ride and I’m certainly emerging with more resilience than when I started the year.
I’m proud of what we’ve done as a team, in collaboration with some amazing partners, to unleash the RAW or Real Energy that exists inside all us:

Sharing the stage with one of my heroes, David Wolfe – thanks to Inner Origin
These experiences all created a huge amount of positive energy and helped offset the energy drain from some of the less positive initiatives:
Working with Sumo through a massive restructuring process
Rushing my son to hospital when he woke up and couldn’t breath
Falling over and hitting my back in two places
But 2018 is now history and all we have are the memories and the lessons to take forward as you embrace a whole new year.
For me, 2019 is going to be a big year as I celebrate an important anniversary in September – 50 years around the sun!
As I move into this 50th year, I of course have some big goals to hit like writing a new book, creating a new course, building the Wellbeing@Work community, speaking and advocating the Fuelling Greatness through the Power of Food message and more, but one thing I have learned over the last 50 years (yikes!) is that the big goals are important, but it’s daily habits, the things that we do consistently every day that will free up the energy for the big things.
I often say that I could easily have been an alcoholic, drug-taking, junk-food eating slob, had I not figured out the importance of habits in my early 20s. That insight led to me upgrading the bad habits for healthier ones which I have found tend to stick together. So for 2019, my new habits include:
Getting up 1 hour earlier and enjoy the benefits of the morning quietness. I love the mornings.

– Turning off wifi at night – to reduce EMF radiation. Yes, the telecoms companies say that it’s all safe and I’m sure they really believe it, but just in case…
– Using essential oils extensively, an outcome from my Wellness Weekends with David Wolfe. Amazing!
Practising yoga every day – easy one for me now as it has become a daily habit and can’t believe it has taken me 49 years to fully ‘get’ yoga!
– Ring-fencing a whole day every week with no schedule at all. And that means no phone, no email, no devices
– Plan and do one BIG thing that has a massive, positive impact on myself and others.
Wherever you are on your life journey, whatever challenges you’re facing, please remember that you’re not alone on this planet. There are lots of people who can guide you and help you get to a Better Place.
Back in 1999, I was at a cross-roads in my life. I was working for the Financial Times in London, but was struggling. I sat at my desk one December evening and started to write. From my hand, flowed a summary of where I was at that time, and then I allowed the pen to keep moving and outline the life I wanted to live one day.
Over time, I refined the techniques to create a programme that I follow every year to keep upgrading my own life and it now forms the basis of my whole coaching philosophy that I use to help hundreds of others upgrade their lives too. My big goal is to make the world a healthier place, one person at a time, and now I’ve finally pulled together my own strategies and toolkits into a programme to help you upgrade your life wherever you are on your journey.
This programme has been designed to walk you through the thinking process required to:
Understand where you are right now. You can’t move forward without fully understanding your starting point and being honest with yourself. It’s easy to gloss over
Create some ideas that turn into goals for where you want to go. It helps you think bigger
Pinpoint those blockers that hold you still, that keep you stuck in a situation
A Better Life is the result of 20 years of my own life experience, plus the insights from coaching and working with hundreds of people. I designed this for my own life as I knew there had to be a better way. I added in tools that I learnt in marketing and the business world and applied them to my own life, seeing myself as the CEO of my own life.
So, applying the same priciples to yourself, as the CEO of your life it’s time to take full ownership and start to make the small changes that lead to big transformation. If I can do it, you can too.
Everything is energy and so much energy is wasted worrying, being fearful and regretting. Just imagine how much good you can create with all of that energy!
Wishing you the very best this year has to offer,