At what point did life become hard work? Is it when you left full time education and needed to start earning a living? Or is it after that time, once the “new job” honeymoon period was over? Perhaps for you it started earlier on when you were a child, due to tough exam preparation or looking after a parent.
But, here’s the thing: life wasn’t meant to be hard!
I see generating finances in the same bracket as overall Life, so if we can start making money-making fun, we can start to add the fun back into your life!
Yes, I know what you are thinking – “Money and Fun in the same sentence….. Pleeeeease!” And before you start throwing rotten tomatoes at your smartphone screen, just hear me out.
See, the thing is, ANYTHING can be fun! You just need to get into a different frame of mind (reframe it, in NLP lingo). Like, you can make your job fun. For example setting yourself little challenges throughout the day. How about timing yourself doing a task and seeing if you can do it quicker the next time? When I used to check mountains of data, I used to add it up in my head, rather than use a calculator for an extra thrill. And, when checking the data, the challenge was to find the mistakes hidden within the 500 pages. It was quite a game – and I got pretty good at it!
Once you see your job as fun, that’s a key area of money making that you have now turned around.
What next?
The next is to do with your spending habits…… I see I’m losing you again. But please stay with me.
Again, there’s a game here.
OK – so the goal is to spend as little as possible, right? Well, how about this:
You are in a shop, considering whether to buy a gizmo (that is not essential and you could definitely live without it). You are seriously considering it, but are in two minds about it. So, here’s what to do to save yourself from giving in and buying it:
Imagine that it’s a deadly virus that you can pick up just by touching the outside of the packaging. The longer you hold onto it, the more of the virus you pick up. But there’s a 20 second window of grace that if you put it back before that time, you can avoid contracting any of the virus.
And you can score points for different scenarios. If you put it back within the 20 seconds, you score maximum points. And if you are still holding it after that time, you start losing points.
The maximum points you can get is the price of the item, in pence or cents (or the equivalent in your currency). So, if it costs $10.80, you can score 1080 points.
However, if you then go on and buy it, then you lose the full 1080 points.
The more time you hold onto it, the more of the virus you take on, so the points you receive go down and down.
Write down your score for the day and aim to better it tomorrow.
Now, isn’t that a more fun way to go about your life than just plain “Do I want this gizmo?” The possibilities are endless!
Enjoy going about your day today with new child-like eyes and see where the fun takes you. You’ll be glad you did!
Heather is a holistic financial wellbeing coach. Her aim is to educate women entrepreneurs around money and finances, so that they take back their power.
Want to find out more? Contact us here to get a free 45-min strategy session to find out how we can empower you to live the life that you deserve.