I listened to an interesting interview this morning which got me thinking more about goals, not how to set them, but how to help you achieve them!
One particular stat interested me. Apparently, research has shown that the chances of achieving a goal increase by 50% if you share the goal.
There are even sites out there that allow you to share your goal (e.g. StickK) so that the whole community can hold you accountable.
Sounds a bit scary perhaps, but in the interest of sharing one of my goals and thereby increasing my odds of achieving it, here you go:
‘I will personally eat at 20 different vegetation, vegan or raw restaurants around the world by December and write a review on my blog for you.’
Ok, it isnt quite life transforming in itself, but it is part of a broader experience goal which goes much deeper. More about this another time, but for now, I’m glad to say that as of today, there’s only 19 left!
Yes, today, I ate at Food for Thought in London’s Covent Garden.
I have actually eaten here before, but not for a long time. So what did I think? Well, I’d describe Food for Thought as a traditional veggie place serving wholesome food at quite a reasonable price.
I bought their four salads for £7.40 and spied their very tempting desserts, but resisted. The salad itself was huge, full of tofu and quineao as well as lettuce, vegetables and fruits.
So in summary, I’d say:
DO go if you like traditional vegetation food that can be eaten in a no frills restaurant environment right in the centre of Neal Street. You can share a table with a complete stranger and strike up conversation as to why you both happen to be in the same restaurant at the same time..great if you’re not in a hurry.
DON’T go if you mind sharing a table (with strangers), like waiter service; expect more modern raw and vegan food presented in an artistic way; fresh smoothies or cold-pressed juices (if you want the latter, check out LabOrganic which is opposite Food for Thought and opened 10 days before Christmas).
So overall, I’ll give Food for Thought a 7 out of 10. I’ll definitely go back.
If you’ve been to Food for Thought, let me know what you think.
I’m also keen to hear which other restaurants you’d recommend around the world. I can’t promise to visit everywhere this year, but can certainly start to pull my list together.