How to cleanse & detox properly and safely has been something I have dabbled with over the years. 
My interest in detoxification really started when i read: ‘Detox Your World’ by Shazzie and learnt that you ‘can’t buy a detox’, it’s simply the process of the body getting rid of more toxins than it takes in.
Toxins are everywhere – in the food we eat, the water we drink, in the air we breath, in the lotions we put on our skin, in our clothing, in household cleaning materials, technology devices and more…so it’s very easy to take in toxins, and you don’t have to try very hard at all.
The problem is that many people’s bodies are likely to have taken in more toxins than they can remove. In practical terms, this means that the body is forced to store the excess toxins in your fat cells and bones, which over time is going to make you ill..whether it’s skin diseases, headaches, colds or more serious, chronic illnesses like cancer.
The good news is that some simple lifestyle changes can really help to reduce the amount of toxins going into your body. For instance: eating good, natural, whole raw foods, exercising regularly, having massages, meditating regularly, infra-red saunas and managing stress are all examples of ways to help your body get rid of those toxins, feel great and get on with your life.
Be careful though. Any dramatic change which causes the body to detox too quickly will result in flu-like symptoms, sometimes quite serious flu-like symptoms. That’s certainly what I experienced when I stopped drinking black coffee over night. Back in 2006 I had developed a daily habit of wandering into Starbucks on my way to work and buying an extra large black coffee, a . habit I repeated up to 6 times each day! I knew that this habit wasn’t serving me particularly well, but liked my coffee. Not being a person that can easily cut down, I decided to go cold turkey and stop drinking coffee all together. I was in bed for a whole week, but once i got through the other end, I felt amazing. I haven’t drunk a single cup of coffee since that day!
Over the years, I have got into the habit of incorporating regular, deeper cleanses into my routine. In the same way, that you spring clean your home or your car, it’s good to ‘deep clean’ your body two or three times a year and I’ve tried a range of techniques such as juice fasts, liver flushes and (very unpleasant) colon cleanses. My trip to an Ayervedic retreat in India in 2016 was the ultimate!
What I’ve lacked, though, is that bigger picture of how all of these different approaches to cleansing and detoxing fit together; as well as the support along the way.
Here’s an awesome series of free videos from Elwin Robinson that answer the key questions that you should ask before launching into a cleanse or detox programme -including most importantly: Is it dangerous? I did Elwin’s full course a few years ago and it changed my whole perception and habits around cleansing.