I saw Cherie Sorie and Dan Ladermann speak the other night in London. Cherie and her husband, Dan, run the Living Light Culinary Institute in Califorina and are also the authors of a number of books, the most recent being ‘Raw Food for Dummies’.

It was great to meet them and it was good to try the courgette (or zucchini) Hummus that Cherie prepared for us. It was delicious and so simple to prepare so I made myself a batch this afternoon.

From a texture point of view, it came out really well, just like hummus, so I was really pleased with that. Unfortunately i over did the garlic, so from a taste perspective, not so great, but edible..especially for garlic lovers!

Here’s the recipe for you to try.


1 courgette, peeled and chopped (about ½ cup, packed) see note

3 Tbsp lemon juice

3 Tbsp olive oil

2 tsp crushed garlic (about 4 cloves)

1 tsp paprika

1 tsp high mineral salt

¼ tsp ground cumin (optional)

pinch cayenne

6 Tbsp raw tahini

6 Tbsp sesame seeds, soaked 4 hours, rinsed and drained

What to do

1) Combine all of the ingredients, except the tahini and sesame seeds, in a high-powered blender and puree.

2) Add the sesame seeds, and puree until perfectly smooth and creamy

3) Add the tahini and blend again.

4) Store in a sealed glass jar in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.