What is your EQUILIBRIUM score?
From a big picture perspective, there is so much that’s out of balance in the world at the moment that’s it very easy to feel ‘off’ on a regular basis. It doesn’t have to be that way and I found that by spending more time internally, it has become much easier to find balance. Finding balance is a highly personal state where we feel in the flow, good in our bodies, are more creative, more productive and more alive. We call this state ‘EQUILIBRIUM’, a state that is completely individualised for you as we’re all different.
To help, you find your EQUILIBRIUM, here’s a simple tool based on the EQUILIBRIUM philosophy to help pinpoint where you’re off balance so that you can take decisive action and get back there again and again.
In terms of actions to take to get back to a state of EQUILIBRIUM, it can be overwhelming as there are many options. You can find some ideas contained within the EQUILIBRIUM Wellbeing guides to help you get clarity and confidence. Choose from: Mindset & Emotional Wellbeing, Physical wellbeing and Connection to other people, to the natural world and to a purpose bigger than ourselves.
You can access them via: totalwellbeing.co
As always, we’re here to help you travel through the high seas of change, enjoy the journey and get to the other side in one piece. You are not alone, reach out if you need support at an individual or organisational level.