Here’s another warming recipe to help fight off the germs this winter.

I invented it this morning and can still feel the warmth and healing properties of the lemon and ginger inside me!

As ever, this one took five minutes to prepare. Samson helped me. If he hadn’t, it would have taken three minutes as we got into a spot of bother with the peeler…but that’s another story..

Here’s what you need:

3 lemons, 2 apples, ginger, cinnamon, honey, coconut palm sugar, chia seeds


Peel the outer layer of the lemons (you don’t want the rind). Pop everything into your vitamin or other blender. Add boiling water (half way). Blend on low and then increase to high until the blend resembles a smoothie.

Pour into cups and drink

For reference, this amount actually resulted in 6 mugs, so you may want to reduce the quantity if that’s too much