A couple of weeks back, I did an interview with Debbie Walker for Food for Thought, a radio show on Natural Health Radio. You’ll get a chance to listen in this Wednesday at 2pm. Below is the promotion for the interview and I’ll post a link in the comments section afterwards.

‘This week on Food for Thought I am interviewing Lawrence Mitchell.

Lawrence Mitchell is a certified IIN Health Coach and author of ‘Sugar – Sickly or Sweet’, a book all about the addictive aspects and dangers of this innocent-looking ingredient. In this book, Lawrence walks you through 14 steps to reducing any addictions and improving your health forever.

He is passionate about health and wellness and is dedicated to dramatically improving people’s wellbeing, so that they can be the best versions of themselves: healthy, fit, alert, vibrant, well-balanced, disease-free – truly enjoying their lives and getting the most out of each day.

He is in the process of writing a number of new books on the subject of health – please follow him on https://getrawenergy.co/blog/ to be the first to hear (and receive previews of) his new books – or follow him on:

Twitter: @RawEnergy100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/getrawenergy.co
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/larry92999/health-and-wellness/’