Does your weight yo-yo? Are you struggling to lose weight but don’t know why? Well today’s tip comes from Heather Mitchell (my wife) who looks at the ‘primary foods’.
‘Weight loss is a whole lot more than calorie counting and cutting out fatty and sugary foods, according to Joshua Rosenthal of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.
It’s all about ‘Primary foods’.
Primary foods are the bigger elements in your life:
– the people around you that you love and who love you
- how spirtually connected you feel
- how active you are, with regular exercise
- that you spend your life being involved in something you makes you happy, be it your career or family life.
The way I see it, we have ’emotional hunger’. That part of your gut that isn’t fulfilled in your daily existance, needs to get filled in some way or another, so your body needs to satisfy itself using food.
Did you know, scientists have found brain cells in the human gut? When you were devloping in your mother’s womb, a clump of cells separated: one set became your brain and the other became your gut. Micahel Gershon speaks about this in his book ‘The Second Brain’.
When we are totally happy and engaged in what we are doing, time flies and we have little need for food, other than for keeping us going – food becomes functional rather than something we need to make us feel better.
So, before you embark on yet another diet, take a long look at your own life. What in your life is making you ’emotionally hungry’. Address that first.’