
Individual Wellbeing 

Team Wellbeing

Business Wellbeing


Team Wellbeing – Engage your employees & create a positive growth culture

Are you looking to engage your employees & create a positive growth culture?

If the answer is yes, then you need RAW ENERGY FUEL
‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast’, but all too often a culture is left to develop organically,  exposing the business to risk and depriving it of the benefits associated with high performance cultures.
Forward-thinking, leading companies don’t leave their most pressure asset to chance. They take proactive measures to nurture and positively influence the culture through carefully crafted engagement programmes focused on connecting individual team contributors to their wellbeing, their jobs and their organisations.
RAW Energy FUEL is about helping TEAMS move towards a state of EQUILIBRIUM, no matter what’s going on externally.
EQUILIBRIUM isn’t the result of one thing, but is the result of the careful curation of your team wellbeing and resilience toolkit to help you:
  1. Spot the signs of imbalance
  2. Rapidly Identify the EQUILIBRIUM levers to pull
  3. Take confident action to get back into EQUILIBRIUM
Uncertainty and change combined with poor communication will have a negative impact on the mental wellbeing of your people and the financial wellbeing of your organisation. According to Deloitte, poor mental health costs an average of $1500 per employee per year.
When the rug is pulled beneath you, you are pushed into a state of ‘fight or flight’, and have to make a choice:   
  • You can pretend nothing hasn’t happened
  • You can wait and see what happens
  • Or you can act with confidence
Now is the time to act.
And we’re here to support you, guide you and give you access to a wealth of knowledge, skills, strategies and tools to keep you going in the right direction.
Right now, you may be asking yourself:
  • How can I engage my remote team?
  • How can I keep my team connected?
  • How can I create a higher performing team? 
  • What can I do to reduce the risks? 
We’re here to help you answer these questions and create a personalised support system and toolset that will help you to maintain or regain EQUILIBRIUM on a day-to-day basis.

Are you looking to reevaluate and move towards a state of EQUILIBRIUM in your whole life?

If the answer is Yes,  then you need RAW ENERGY FOCUS.
At RAW Energy FOCUS, we work with individuals to help them:
a. Get clear on their unique strengths
b. Adapt their lifetstyle to support their individuality
c. Focus forward to create a total life plan that supports you

Get Stated today

    The RAW Energy Equilibrium Programme

    A unique Employee Engagement Programme to connect & energise people

    Step 1: Starting point – Setting you up for Success

    • An assessment of where your culture is right now, pinpointing the areas where it’s out of balance. What are the issues? What are the opportunities?
    • Individualised profiles of your team members based on our proprietary toolset
    • Identifying the obstacles that could trip us up

    Step 2: Ideation and programme planning

    • Brainstorming ideas
    • Theme creation
    • Prioritisation

    Step 3: Mini challenges to engage your team, make it fun and support the development of micro habits

    • Virtual Wellbeing events and Festivals to educate, inspire and guide your people to sustainable solutions that work for them
    • Virtual wellbeing & resilience skills masterclasses to teach your people the critical skills of self care including: mindfulness, meditation, food preparation, sleep habits
    • Intensive mindset resilience training – 4,8 and 12 weeks
    • Virtual Lean-in Round Tables with small groups of employees 
    • Wellbeing content packages to fuel your internal engagement channels  

    Step 4:  Review, refine and plan the next steps


    • Evidence-based. Leverages insights from modern science and ancient wisdom
    • Segments employees based on biological profiling
    • Delivery via curated team of health, wellbeing & innovation specialists
    • Detailed evaluation process to set you up for success
    • Phased approach


    1. Allows you to look into the ‘mirror of truth’ and see the starting point
    2. Helps you identify the super powers of the people in your team to enable them to work in their genius
    3. Supports the creation of a more personalised and impactful wellbeing & resilience engagement programme
    4. Higher engagement, productivity, performance and resilience
    5. Lower sickness through absenteeism, presenteeism, attrition
    6. Access to a network of vetted specialists from the world of Health and Wellbeing

    Where to now?

    To be successful, a relationship has to be based on a solid foundation of trust.  We all know that.
    If you’re interested to work with RAW Energy fuel, I invite you to complete the short form and one of our team will be in touch to book an introductory meeting.
    We work with all sizes and shapes of organisation in different industries and different geographies. Our ecosystem of wellness providers cover the whole world and the beauty of virtual delivery is that we can go everywhere!   We have experience of most sectors and functions and our clients have included: The RELX Group, SumoSalad, GSK, Qantas, NSW Government, CitiBank, NSW Government, GTHS, Cancer Council, Nutrifix, Morsl, Livesmart and more. Check out the award winning RBI Living Well case study below.
    Click here to find out more
    • Fuelling greatness for Sumo

    Fuelling greatness for SUMO means employee wellbeing at the heart of the brand

    By |December 18th, 2017|Energy, Fuel, In the Media, Mental Health, Success, Workplace Wellbeing|

    Healthy employees are happier, more productive, take fewer days off work, are more engaged with the company and brand and therefore more likely to consistently deliver great ‘on brand’ experiences.  Leading to greater business performance. We recently worked with Rachel Beven, to revitalise the Sumo brand, aligning corporate, customer and employer brands and reinstating wellness at the heart of the business. This work was featured in The Healthy Brand Company's blog.

    How Companies are Creating Places of Work to Solve 21st Century Business Challenges

    By |December 10th, 2017|Fuel, In the Media, Mental Health, Overhwelm, Personal Development, Productivity, Resilience, Success, Workplace Wellbeing|

    Lawrence Mitchell spoke at the Ikabo breakfast event aimed at leaders who want to improve workplace wellbeing. Lawrence spoke about his experience of creating at Reed Business Information a Living Well programme which increased employee engagement by 10%, reduced absenteeism by 40% and motivated 82% of the 3,0000 globally distributed employees to make changes to their personal health. Other speakers included Alex Lynch from Google Australia, Brett Fifield from NSW Department of Primary Industries, Cindy Lenferna de la Motte from Ikabo and Natalie Yan-Chatonsky from Full Time Lives.

    • Lawrence Mitchell on Thrive Global

    Fuelling Innovation & Business Growth by Focussing on Workplace Wellbeing

    By |November 29th, 2017|Fuel, In the Media, Overhwelm, Success, Success without Stress, Workplace Wellbeing|

    This is the first guest post Lawrence wrote for Thrive Global, Arianna Huffington's health & wellbeing website, which is based on people gaining extraordinary health inside the workplace, attaining wellness and avoiding the stress and burnout that often comes with working in an organisation. In this post, Lawrence shares his story on how he came to be passionate about wellbeing in the workplace, and how he developed a nationally-receognised award-winning health & wellbeing initiative in his organisation of 3,000 employees, in just 2 years.

    • Wellbeing@Work Sydney 2018

    Wellbeing@Work Sydney 2018: Thanks to our speakers, sponsors and food & drink providers

    By |October 21st, 2017|Business results, Change, Do your best work, Effective team working, Event, Food & diet, Food for thought, Fuel, Get Things Done, Getting results, Goals and habits, Healthy Habits, Improve Life, Mental Health, Modern working practices, Raw Energy, Resilience, Stress, Success, Success without Stress, Workplace Energy, Workplace Wellbeing|


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